The Island Paddle will be conducted on the 4th November 2023 at Mooloolaba beach and depending on wind conditions will head around Old Woman Island and back to Mooloolaba.
Registration/Check In will be from. 7.00-9am at the spit on Mooloolaba Beach.
Race brief will be at 9.30am
Race start will be at 10am.
Start will be a deepwater start, Waves for the Ocean paddle will be at 10-minute intervals.
Category; Prone and SUPs.
Category; Outriggers OC 1, OC 2, and OC 3s
Category; Ocean skis, Surf skis, and Double skis
Online registration will be completed via webscorer.
When completing the online form, you will be asked to view our online waiver by ticking the box you will agree to the terms and conditions, there will be no other forms to fill out at registration.
Race Briefing at designated beach will be conducted for all paddlers racing after Registration/Check in has closed (9.30am) before race start.
Course selection will be publicised on Facebook Friday 3rd November at 5pm, and an email will also be sent out. This information will also be advertised on our website.
Early Entry $65 per paddler (includes free race shirt) Standard Entry $75 per paddler - 8th October (race shirt if available first in) Double Ocean ski, OC2 teams - $110, OC3 - $165, and OC6 - $250 - Increase after 8th October
Only competitors can access the registration area. Each competitor will be given an ankle strap with a timing chip. Please wear the ankle strap and timing chip around your ankle making sure it is firmly attached and facing outward (enabling it for easy detection). The timing chip will be used to time your race. You will be given a coloured wristbane with your number on it to be used at the lucky draw prizes durring presentations at 1.30pm at the Mooloolaba Surfclub
The finish will be a dry finish on the beach between the large pinkarch on the beach. Your timing chip will register your results on webscorer. Please make sure once you finish the race you hand the ankle strap with timing chip to one of our volunteers who will be waiting for you at the finish line. This will be our manual backup should your chip not be detected.
If you do not finish the race please hand back you ankle strap and timing chip back to support cxrew, in the boat or at the finish line, so you can be marked as safe.
Should you exit the course on the beach and do not complete the couses, please ring race co-ordinator 0422 159 504
Please note if your ankle strap with timing chip is not collected your results will not be published.
Online results will be provided on webscorer on completion of all competitors finish the race (final head count). Presentations and lucky door prizes will be held at the Mooloolaba Surfclub at 1:00pm up stairs in the Bay and Bites bar.
Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of each category.
Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd accross the line in the following craft category with more than 3 competitors.
On arival at the Mooloolaba Surfclub please hand in you wristbands with your number, the colours will indicate the craft of choice.
All other prizes will be drawn together including a RACETEC PADDLE valued at over $600
Scrutineering of compulsory equipment (lifejackets and leashes) will take place at check in before the start of the race.
All competitors must ensure that their equipment passes scrutineering as outlined below.
By entering the Nordic Kayaks Beach to Beach 16km Ocean Paddle race you agree to compete you must have:
Please note no first timers this is an open ocean race leaving or finishing at a surf beach your safety is our most importance and not taken lightly.
Note ages is from the day registrations close
There will be 7 Support boats provided for the event covering a 2.5 km area along the 16km course. If any paddler requires assistance, they must raise their hand attract attention, and wait for the closes support boat to provide assistance.